What’s On

Talks, Presentations, Walks, Visits and Other Events for 2024

Monday 5th August: High Street Guided Walk with Harold Clarke (postponed from 8th July) – more details nearer the time if there are spaces.

On Monday 19th August we are offering an experience quite different from the norm! Our talk is entitled The Village of Stowell and the Church of St Mary Magdalene with local guest speakers who are experts in the history of the church and the village. It is a change to our normal format as this talk will take place ON SITE, in the church itself, followed by a short guided walk around the focal points of the village. Refreshments will be served. Slightly different time of 7-8.30pmThere is some parking along the road but please car-share if you can. If you absolutely cannot find a lift but would love to come, please let us know before 5th August and we will see if we can help. We are a charity and ask for a suggested donation of £2 per member or £5 per non-member to cover costs (please Gift Aid your donation if you can). Donations will be shared between the church and Milborne Port History & Heritage Group.

Monday 16th September: The Portable Antiquities Scheme – Ciorstaidh Hayward Trevarthen

Monday 21st October: Fancy a Tipple? The History of Milborne Port’s Pubs and Inns – Committee members. Come and learn about the ‘skirmishing, quaffing and carousing’ that went on in bygone times!

Monday 18th November: Nathaniel Ireson of Wincanton – Architect, Master Builder and Potter – Peter Fitzgerald.

All talks take place in Church House on Bathwell Lane, starting at 7.30pm and last for approximately an hour. We ask for a suggested donation of £2 per member & £5 per non-member. Guided tours are free but donations are always welcome!

Chapel Museum

Every Summer we open the Museum every Sunday afternoon 2.30 pm-4.00 pm from the end of May to the end of August. However, if you would like to arrange a private visit at any other time, please contact Lesley Wray: lesmik71@gmail.com.

Can you help? Do you have a few hours to spare one Sunday afternoon (2.30-4.00 pm) this Summer? The museum will be open to the public with a member of the Committee on duty but it would great to have another history-minded person to keep us company. If you are willing, please let us know by contacting Lesley Wray: lesmik71@gmail.com.

If you have a specific interest you would like us to investigate we would love to hear from you so please do get in touch with us at mphhgroup@gmail.com 

Please join our Facebook group so that we can keep you updated regarding all of our activities.
